Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pity Party, Table for One

Today is one of those days that you know you're being completely ridiculous but you just can't help but get out of your funky mood. After church I had great ambitions to help Kaitlyn practice her cake entry for the fair in August but everything I tried fell short. I made a huge mess, kept dropping things and losing feeling in my hands so after an hour of listening to the drama my husband decided to make a huge sacrifice and watch 27 Dresses with me. Unfortunately that didn't get me out of my funk and I have continued to feel completely overwhelmed and inadequate through out the day. I have decided that I am spreading myself a bit too thin. I have 100's of interests but all of them are distracting me somewhat from my eternal goals. I need to take a couple of days to sit down and really prioritize what is important to me. I took a class a couple of years ago in my real estate training that made me write a mission statement about my goals and I was the biggest disappointment to the instructor because not one of them was work related. All of my goals had to do with being a better mom and a wife. While it may have disappointed him it clarified a lot for me. Time to center myself again.


ba and the boys said...

there is NOTHING wrong with taking time for YOU! i do this DAILY and guess what...the house hasnt burnt down and my kids didnt kill any small animals to eat for dinner.
be sure to take care of your self so you can take care of those things/peole that are important!

The Bach 10 said...

I am always adjusting and re priortizing! That is live, because I could easily let other things that are not too important in and forget what makes me happy and how I am going to fit the priorities in. Good Luck!