Saturday, July 5, 2008

Accomplishments Galore

Usually the day after a holiday I am so sleepy that I don't accomplish anything but Bailey had her cake decorating class today at 9:00 so there was not rest for the weary. We grabbed pizza on the way home, went swimming, cleaned the house, mowed the lawn, got Jacob a haircut, went grocery shopping, made emergency kits to supplement our 72 hour kits, made a pillow for girls camp, cleaned the bunny cage, fixed Jacob's pillow, Kaitlyn's pj's, made dinner, cleaned out the fridge (thank goodness, something smelled funky), did the laundry, ironed Sunday clothes and still had time to shave my legs. I am feeling very proud of myself!!


ba and the boys said...

you forgot to wite...BLOG!
you are way too busy!

The Bach 10 said...

Sounds like my day with other things. I started off the Saturday with a baptism. I took only Tanner to get him ready for his own baptism. It went on through the day with lots to do. It ended with picking up Paul from the airport at 11;30 pm. Then I went straight to bed because I didn't want to be tired for church. Sunday morning I got up early got ready, woke the kids, and then you won't believe...Trevor threw up all over his bed. Well I guess we are going to miss church I thought. Then after a few episodes of that, and some loads in washer, Yes I break the sabbath for throw up on sheets, I decided if Trevor was asleep now and all the kids were happy watching sunday movies and reading sunday books, I would do the unbelievable. i would go to church without the kids. So I did it. It was the most relaxing sacrament meeting ever. I don't think I can remember a time I haven't taken the kids to church.

Jennifer P. said...