Monday, July 14, 2008

Am I Truly Scary?

We are having a problem with our sprinkler system and I have a patch of grass that is just refusing to grow. I called our builder who knows that I am not a woman to be messed with and he sent the landscaper out to take a look today. He brought with him 5 Hispanic workers and his business partner. (This was not the first time I've called them). He was giving me the run around on why the grass was struggling and after listening to him scramble for excuse after excuse I finally explained to him that either the system he installed was crap or the grass was and I will in no uncertain terms accept an "hmmm, I don't know" as an answer. I suggested, in typical Summer fashion, that he find a solution or I will stick a sign in my yard that says "landscaping by . . . ". I also suggested that instead of trying to put it back on the builder who no doubt provides the majority of his business, that he takes care of it before I have to let the builder know how dissatisfied I am with his customer service. I found it amusing that the more I discussed this with him that his workers continually stood further and further away from me. Before our 15 minute conversation was completed they were actually on the other side of my house looking for weeds to pull. He assured me that if the changes he made didn't work he would take care of things.

1 comment:

ba and the boys said...

i cant wait to see what happens when your girls start dating!