Sunday, July 27, 2008

big decision

Zach has been accepted into a charter high school and now we need to decide if we send him. I am bit concerned about the uniforms, are the kids normal? Will he be able to do the work, will I survive driving to seminary, home,seminary, school, home, school, home and still home school the other kids and find time to decompress every day? Will I be able to get him there in the snow and cold. Will he like any of the kids and will he participate in their activities? Will he be getting a better education there or with me. I have been really stressed out about trying to teach him the high school courses. This school focuses on leadership and he won't have the social interaction he craves simply because there are only 250 kids accepted. Those of you who are familiar with Paradigm High or anyone who attends I really want the nitty gritty.


ba and the boys said...

cielia johnson from our ward is actually the personin charge at that high school! and the bishops wife works there. i am certain cindy could tell you all you needed to know.

The Bach 10 said...

Wow! Sounds like you have some names to contact. I know with all new things it is hard to adjust. But relax and enjoy the transition, Zach is an awesome boy and will succeed wherever he is. It is hard to let go of our kids isn't it. But trust that you have done enough, and you have, to know that all things will be fine. Here is where faith really comes into play. What does Zach want? Couldn't you take him out if something goes wrong that is so extreme you don't want him there any longer? Venture out and try something new is my idea of fun sometimes, even though when with our kids it may seem hard! You can do it. Let me know what you decide and I will keep you in my prayers!!
Good Luck!