Monday, July 28, 2008

Decisions Made, at Least for Now

After much soul searching and lots of prayer I've decided to say goodbye to my angel boy and send him to the charter high. I feel good about it since I know the administration and I'm happy with the uniforms and such (except at the checkout stand today, boy stuff is pricey). They don't make pants long and skinny enough for him though. He needs a 28x33.


ba and the boys said...

woo hoo for you and zack! thisis a big step but i know you can handle it! and no matter what zack does, he will excell!

Jennifer P. said...

Any decision made with prayer is a good one. The great thing about being a homeschooler is that you KNOW you can do it--so whatever else might not work out, you know you can always bring him home. I think uniforms are a great idea. Of course, I wouldn't have thought the same when I was in high school.... :)

Hope you get out of your funk soon. I think we all need to be in those every now and then to give us a push to step up. May I suggest reading "The Holy Secret" by James Ferrell. It changed my life. Plus it's an easy read.

Love to you!

Jennifer P. said...

Hey! I see my comment right away! THanks!---I appreciate the chance to edit as necessary :)

The Bach 10 said...

Glad you made a decision and you can get on with making it happen. Good luck on pants!