Sunday, July 20, 2008

I survived

I promise this is the last post about the birthday, (for a couple of weeks then I can be sad about Zach's). Bailey made Jacob this crown for for his big celebration. Speaking of Bailey, she leaves tomorrow for girls camp. I have tried bribing, I have tried to ground her but she just can't seem to do anything wrong! I have even tried to guilt her, which I know is a bad mothering technique but you can't blame me for trying. At all the pre camp hikes she was a billy goat, the leaders thought we must be a family that hikes a lot. Apparently they don't know us well. I am not worried about her making bad decisions. She is just as paranoid as me and has been trained well. But can't help but think that my heart will break without her here to tell me she loves me 20 times before bed.

1 comment:

ba and the boys said...

that is a beautiful photo of b! you need to take our family photos...mostly because we dont have any!
im glad you made it all the way thru the birthday. are we going to need a padded room for you when he turns 8? or worse...19!