Tuesday, July 8, 2008

3 hours to go 30 miles

I would like to say it is because we're enviromentally conscious, but in reality it is because the cost of gas is so out of control that we have no choice (ok, we have a choice but we really like to eat). My husband has decided to ride the public transportaiton system. He bought a month pass and was thrilled to learn that his office will actually pay for it. He left this morning at 5:45 to catch the bus at the local church. He wasn't thrilled about leaving the car in the parking lot all day but I was less thrilled at the thought of getting up that early. He got to work with only three phone calls to me to say, "now what". He was lucky enough to run into a half naked man who said, "hey dude, you know where you're going?" and than politely pointed him in the right direction. He left work early just to make sure he could make the bus that comes out to our fair city only 3 times a day. He took the wrong train and ended up going in what he thought was completely the wrong direction so he did what any sensible man would do, he paniced and jumped from the train and called his wife to say, "now what". I pulled six kids from the pool and ran to the house to look at the less than well designed transportation website. I had to call customer service who told me that he needed to walk three blocks, cross the street and sit in front of the cafe. There he would find the right transfer. While he sat there a gentleman came up to him and said, "man, you got a cigarette?" He answered in the negative and the guy looks at him with disguist and said "Man, I go to jail and I come out and everyone's stopped smoking!" He watched the guy walk away and turned in time to see his bus going in the opposite direction.
I made another call. We only had one more chance to get it right or I would be making way into down town to try to rescue my directionally challenged husband. I love him, he has many wonderful qualities but finding his way around is not one of them. He actually delivered pizzas for a while when we were first married and spent the entire time on the phone with my mom who gave him turn by turn directions. He walked another couple of blocks and found the right spot. When he finally got on his bus there was only one empty seat next to a guy that had filthy dreedlocks, clothes that hadn't been washed in weeks and a smell that would make long shoreman turn his nose in disguist. By the time he made it home it had been three hours. He was hot, sweaty, tired, thristy, and not too thrilled to do it again tomorrow; but he will because he knows how much I really like to eat.


Jennifer P. said...

From one directionally challenged individual to another: I feel your pain G.C.!!! And there's a reason people are a little reluctant to ride the bus--and it usually has to do with "bus people".

Remember when I had to ride the stupid bus for EIGHTEEN HOURS to come and visit you? Yeeeeah....that was interesting!...and also smelly.

Thanks for letting your unfortunate events make me laugh tonight :)!

And just so you know, I've been blogging for almost a year and have never had a robot send me email, and only one anonymous comment that I felt the need to remove---so maybe all these security measures aren't quite so needed. I'm just sayin' LIVE DANGEROUSLY :)--I hate typing in the nonsense letters and I usually get it wrong! Only I don't know that I got it wrong because comment moderation won't show me anything....

ba and the boys said...

so with a uta bus pass you get FREE ENTERTAINMENT! how many times has your bubby sat next to a rastafarian or a half naked man? and see, if he would have stayed in his car, he would have just listened to sports raido...alone...

TK said...

wow what a fun adventure!! I wish I could have been there with him!

Did it go better the next time?