Thursday, July 3, 2008

Independence Day

I am perhaps more outspoken about the founding of this country than any other subject. The best movie ever written about our country is "1776". I may like this simply because my father played one of the characters in a play year ago. If you haven't watched it it is a must, right up there with Kung Fu Panda. So many times when I hear people criticize our Founding Fathers for things that are missing from the Constitution I just want to scream "Watch the movie, you'll understand why!!!!"The following are some of the most poignant lines from the movie.

Dr Lyman Hall: Mr. President, Georgia seems to be split right down the middle on this issue - the people are against it, and I'm for it.

Dr. Lyman Hall: However, I'm afraid I'm not quite certain whether representing the people means relying on their judgment or on my own. In all fairness, until I can figure that out, I'd better lean a little on their side.
Georgia says nay.

Dr. Benjamin Franklin: We've no choice, John. The slavery clause has got to go.

John Adams: Franklin, what are you saying?

Dr. Benjamin Franklin: It's a luxury we can't afford.

John Adams: 'Luxury?' A half million souls in chains... and Dr. Franklin calls it a 'luxury!' Maybe you should have walked out with the South!

Dr. Benjamin Franklin: [dangerous] You forget yourself sir. I founded the FIRST anti-slavery society on this continent.

John Adams: Oh, don't wave your credentials at me! Maybe it's time you had them renewed!

Dr. Benjamin Franklin: John, the issue here is independence! Maybe you have forgotten that fact, but I have not! These men, no matter how much we may disagree with them, they are not ribbon clerks to be ordered about - they are proud, accomplished men, the cream of their colonies. And whether you like them or not, they and the people they represent will be part of this new nation that YOU hope to create. Now, either learn how to live with them, or pack up and go home! In any case, stop acting like a Boston fishwife.


The Bach 10 said...

I will have to buy it or borrow it soon. Have a great 4th with your family. I will be remembering how blessed we are to be living now rather than then.

ba and the boys said...

i LOVE this musical! i have it playing in my cd player (in the car) right now! i cant sing, but i wanted to be in this production so bad that i worked backstage when i was an actor.
i know people who see it are going to say 'oh, that isnt exactly how it happened.'. for you i say...
1. you werent there, so how do you know! and
2. if it gets you interested in early american history, it has done its job. from here you can do your own research, but this shows you that they were men, not perfect men, but men working for the greater cause.
maybe i should have posted on my blog instead of taking up your space...
anyway-happy 4th!

Summer Miller said...

I used to fall asleep to this soundtrack every night as a teen!!!!! I still find myself singing the songs and my poor family gets a bit annoyed when I say, "remember in 1776. . .. "

Jennifer P. said...

Love that movie too. Bless the founding father's hearts--it wasn't the right time then--too much federal over state power and no one wanted that-- but they left it completely open for us to change it when the time WAS right. May we all remember that MORE choice is always superior to less.