Thursday, August 14, 2008

Who Knew?

Who knew I was so competitive? Okay, anyone who has ever watched ME watch my children play sports, or who has played a game with me or who has watched the Olympics with me. Today since we're all sick we laid around and watched the Olympics and regardless of the sport I found myself screaming at the tv. My husband who was home sick has apparently never seen a crazy blond woman yelling at strangers on the screen to spike the ball or stab someone with the sword (I don't know the proper fencing lingo). Zach who doesn't have much of a competitive streak just shakes his head with amazement but Bailey joined in on the fun. My favorite was when China won a race and Jacob yelled out, "China!!!! I hate China!!!!!" Apparently he has strong loyalty to the red, white and blue. My dad used to do this. I would watch in amazement as he seemed to transform into a mad man watching BYU football or basketball. He'd pace the room, pull his hair, mutter to himself and even throw an expletive or two into the air. I video taped him once knowing for sure I would win the 100,000 on AFV. I never submitted it, I decided to sit on it for my retirement. I guess it is hereditary so I apologize know to my grandchildren who will no doubt find themselves banned from the sidelines of all major sporting events.


The Bach 10 said...

I have enjoyed the olympics myself!! Missed you at the ice cream social today.

ba and the boys said...

my kids wake up every day asking for the medal count and if michael phelps won the night before! olympics just make me so they were my own kids winning!

ba and the boys said...

my kids wake up every day asking for the medal count and if michael phelps won the night before! olympics just make me so they were my own kids winning!

Jennifer P. said...

My kids have really been into the Olympics, but every time I sit down to watch something with them, I end up falling asleep. I love to watch college football, but I guess that's where my competitive streak ends :)! I can SOOOO see you yelling at the screen though :)!

gary roe said...

Yeh,Phelphs (sp?)was fantastic !!!And the only thing I can say about your Mom is, I miss her too. . .more than you'll ever know.

Love you, Dad