Monday, August 18, 2008

Where Have I Been?

It seems like only yesterday since I sat at my laptop composing brilliant words of wisdom, but it appears as though it has been a while. Unfortunately I haven't been at the beach soaking in the sun or on a cruise, or even camping in the woods. Instead I have been trying to fit 28 hours into a 24 hour day. So, the highlights are as follows:
1.TK "made" me read the Twilight Series which has me hooked in a way that I didn't think possible. She bought the series and left it here for me to read. I am 400 pages into book three (I started reading number 1 on Tuesday). I dream of vampires and werewolves and night with an odd kind of peace that I find unsettling during the day.
2. I have been subjected to over six hours of Chuck Norris movies for my husband's birthday because he is the most amazing fighter in the history of the world. "There is no such thing as global warming, Chuck Norris was cold so he turned up the sun".
3. I had to make a costume for Bailey for a daddy and daughter date.
4. We have been at the pool a lot before weather turns cold.
5. My family had another summertime cold so we've been hiding and pouting
6. Zach was ordained as a teacher (sob, sob)
7. I have been to IceBerg so many times that I had to loosen the drawstrings on my sweats.
8. I have been planning Kaitlyn's birthday which is next week.
9. I have been chaperoning my son's ever booming social life which leaves me hiding on the front porch pretending to water the dead flowers just so I can keep an eye on him.

It doesn't seem like much but somehow I seem to feel a bit overwhelmed and yet so incredibly blessed to have the opportunity I have to enjoy it all. Once I know how things are resolved with Bella and Edward I'm sure I'll be back.


ba and the boys said...

come on...that is all you have been doing? you can come up with more to do than that!

Jennifer P. said...

I can see myself needing to read through the entire Twilight Series at once too--which is why I haven't started reading it yet :)!

Take a deep breath---there's got to be some way to cram it all in :)!

Nice to 'hear' from you again!

The Bach 10 said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. Busy here. Liked how you clumped big things all into one post. I have been feeling the same way lately. This Friday, Picnic at our house 1-4 ish? Thought we would keep this one a small group. Can you make it?