Friday, August 8, 2008

Today I got to see my new little nephew and he is so cute. He belongs to my husbands younger brother and I must say, he is definitely a keeper. We went to dinner at a Brazilian grille where they walk around with various meat dishes on skewers and serve them to you. They brought 18 different dishes and chicken hearts but we of course turned our noses up at that. They had the most delicious grilled pineapple glazed in brown sugar. If any of you have tips on how to make that I want them. By the time we were finished we were rolled out the door. I didn't think we'd ever eat again but Zach downed a huge ice cream sundae with some friends an hour later and the girls had a little party with some friends and empty the entire shelf of snacks we bought today. Sometimes being the mom of teens is tiring (and expensive).


Jennifer P. said...

First of all I'm so sorry you wouldn't get to go to the Citizens Academy. I've never heard of such a thing!---sounds super cool though :)! How bout next time you're in town I wrap you up in a pillow and let the neighbor's pit bull out, then you can run from it while I shoot at you with a paintball gun :)?! Sounds fun, right?!

And even though my tummy is sick from eating too many cookies while having movie night with the kids, that Brazillian food sounds yummy. We use to have one of those places here, but it went out of business after a couple of years. THey had these polenta fries that they made that I haven't found anywhere else......and suddenly I'm hungry again! Also, I think Costco is made for mom's of teens!!!

ba and the boys said...

i have eaten at ones of those brazillian grills and they rock! im with you...i dont eat everything. but most things wrapped in bacon are yummy, and the pineapples...aaahhhhhh...
when i am queen of the world, that will be how all my dinners are served. just meat and fruit and it all just brought to me.

Kaitlyn said...

Hi that is true mom.I love you.
that was fun thank you for taking us there.

Kaitlyn said...

that was fun when you taking us
to the fair.

Kaitlyn said...

that was fun when you taking us
to the fair.

The Bach 10 said...

Sounds like fun!!