Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Who would have thought that at the Salt Lake County Fair you could hold kangaroos and walabis? The kids were so excited that I had to pay the $10 photo fee. Then I of course took my own! Of course we had to finish the day with an ice cream at the newly opened Iceberg down the street.


Jennifer P. said...

Pennie once paid $6.50 for me to have my picture taken with a tiger cub at the mall. I loved that picture! Just saying--it was probably worth the $10 :)!

ba and the boys said...

why did you tell me that iceburg opened. that isnt good for my diet...
so what is the difference between a kangaroo and a walabis?

Summer Miller said...

Sorry BA, didn't mean to ruin your diet. If you want I'll go with you and eat half of whatever you get so you're saving calories. I think a walabi is a cousin but it looks like a little kangaroo.