Sunday, August 31, 2008

I AM. . . .

As per my friend BA's instructions. I have made my own list. Of course, she is on a wonderful vacation so she will never even get to see it.
I am...Summer O' Scarlet (drama is built into my name)
1 think...I am pretty good mom.
I know.... I worry about too many things I don't have control over
I have...too many bathrooms to keep clean.
I wish...I could could stop drinking Dr Pepper
I dislike...standing in lines.
I mommy.
I fear...EVERYTHING. Nothing is safe and that really scares me.
I hear...the sound of my husband and son trying to figure out what the girls that keep texting Zach mean. (good, luck, they're girls)
I smell...cookies-the wonderful smell of rain.
I crave...a Kneaders sandwich on French country bread with extra pickles..
I write...lots of instructions, lists, grocery lists.
I I am almost unbeatable.
I sanity. I never know when to say no.
I don't people keep their pantry organized and still let their kids get their own snacks..
I can usually be found...on my computer, in the kitchen, or at the pool
I forget...that I am on a budget and eat out way to much.
I usually...overextend myself but am depressed if I have nothing to do.
I search...the obituaries to make sure I'm not in them.
I wonder...when the end of the world will come and if I will have enough chocolate.
I regret...not seeing my dad very much.
I family
I care...about my loved ones.
I always...say my prayers for the safety of my kids.
I worry...that I won't be able to provide for my family.
I am not...happy about my current body configuration
I it felt to be the most important person in someone's life.
I believe...that everything happens according to God's plan.
I dance... in the car to embarrass my kids and while I'm cleaning the house.
I don't always...remember to use my coupons I clipped.
I never...let my kids out of my sight without saying “I love you”
I my kids talk A LOT
I am scared about...the economy
I need...more energy.
I am happy wonderful my life is. I may spend half the time freaking out about things that are out of my control but the other half is spent being thankful for what I have.


ba and the boys said...

hey-thank you! i did get to read this thanks to chris's laptop and the marriott having internet connection!

The Bach 10 said...

I for sure will copy this idea!!
I loved reading about you more. I want to go get a Kneader's sandwich with you just so I can hang out with you!!

TK said...

THis is a great list. READ IT OFTEN. I am amazed at the wisdom and feedback you are giving yourself right here. I love you

Jennifer P. said...

Isn't it funny that when we really have very little to worry about--we can always worry about worry-ing :)?! This was so real of you. And doesn't it feel good to just throw it out there into blogland and see what comes back?

And why do I still remember every time I read your full name that Shad's is Shad O'Hara Nation Roe? Your parents were like naming geniuses :)!

Love you!