Saturday, August 23, 2008

Primary Children's

Kaitlyn had her appointment at Primary Children's yesterday just a day after her visit to her endocrinologist went less then perfect. She needed to have an ultrasound done to take a better look at her thyroid that was vastly different than it was six months ago and to assess if it was necessary to radiate or kill it. I was surprised that they got us in within 24 hours and that the radiologist actually met us in the exam room to go over results. "The good news" he said, "is that there isn't a tumor". What, was that a concern this time?! I guess the Dr didn't want me to have a sleepless night and left it as a "precautionary study". He said she is perfectly normal for someone with a diseased thyroid. I guess that should be comforting but the word "diseased" is always a bit unsettling. They ran some blood tests that will determine if they need to remove it, destroy it or wait and watch a bit longer. They would prefer to keep it working as is but since her weight isn't improving and her hair is still thinning they may need to be a bit more proactive. She feels great, looks great and will probably end up plugging along just fine. We went to lunch afterward(her favorite, Olive Garden) and she got a new outfit for her birthday next week. It is kind of hard to find pants that fit that child with her long legs and lack of butt.

1 comment:

Jennifer P. said...

I remember now you telling me about her thyroid. Poor sweetheart! It is amazing, though, how they just keep plugging along, not really knowing how they're different because they've never known anything much different. My prayers go out to her---and you! Hope all will be well!