Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Boys and their Toys

My husband has a love for carabiners and he has so many that we all make fun of him. Jacob has been obsessed with them since he was little. Last year the boys and I were in Walmart when Jacob announced (loudly) that his daddy would buy him a "hooker" for his birthday. Zach was laughing so hard I thought he'd pass out. The lady on the same aisle was not as impressed. Since then it has been our little family joke that we find amusing but we sure get a lot of funny looks from outsiders.


Jennifer P. said...

I would be the lady in the aisle at Wal-Mart laughing WITH you guys! I've never heard them called 'hookers' before--but it sure seems to fit better than carabiner--maybe we should call hookers carabiners?! :)

ba and the boys said...

it will be great when he gets married and you can announce that at his wedding reception! 'jacob, do you remember when your dad got you a hooker when you were 5?'.

ali cross said...

That. Is. Hysterical. Holding sides. They hurt!