Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'll miss these moments

My Dear Jacob,

You came running to my room today, just minutes after you were sent to bed. You carried your favorite blanket “sportsies” with you and jumped on my lap. You pulled the blanket over both of our heads and I could see your little lip quiver even in the darkness. When you're sad your lips turn into the perfect frown and your big blue eyes are cloaked in the innocence of an angel. You tried to get the words out but I could see you were embarrassed to have your daddy hear. You like to look tough to him. I asked you, “you're scared and want to sleep in here?” you nodded and when I said “yes” your frown turned to smile and you ran to grab your monkey blanket, the dog Ann gave you and your “big” blanket. You skipped back to the bed with pure happiness and you said, “we can share these mommy”. You talked for 20 minutes about robotic snakes attacking the family and how they scared you when you were little. I told you how I imagine being a super hero when I have bad dreams and you responded, “yeah, I do that too”. As you laid your head on your favorite red pillow your sweet little hand reached out for my arm and rubbed it tenderly to make sure I was still there. You took a deep breath and fell asleep in the safety of my bed surrounded by your favorite blankets and favorite dog. How I love those moments. I know that before long you'll be concerned with being tough in front of me as well as your dad but for now I love being your soft place to land, your safe place and I love the touch of your tender hand on my arm and knowing that you're there to keep me safe too.

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