Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More of My Mommy!

When I was a teenager I was way to cool to refer to my mom as "mommy" but now that I'm a mom with teenagers of myself (who would rather die than call me mommy) I ache to hear that sweet expression of love from my children. I keep finding myself going through these new photos of my mom and am remembering so many little things about her. She was SHORT! It was always funny because my brother is 6'4 and I'm 5'8 (minus an inch now for disk issues but I'm still going to claim that extra inch) and she was only 5 foot and 1/4 inch. You could never forget to say that 1/4 inch. It was a form of validation for her. In church or at meetings I'd often look over to see her feet resting on my dad's briefcase because her feet would go numb hanging over the bench. She had her favorite chairs just for that reason. In fact, my favorite chair in the house is the one that she saved and scrimped to buy just so she could have a spot that "fit" her.

1 comment:

the thrifty ba said...

that bottom one is my new favorite!