Thursday, March 10, 2011

One YEAR!!!!

We have had Waffles for one year this month.  I don't love dogs.  I like the idea of dogs and have always felt that every child should grow up with one.  I have tried big dogs, little dogs, medium sized dogs and I had just about decided that I was not meant to have one.  I had this nagging feeling that I had to try one more time.  Zach convinced the shelter to let us "borrow" dogs over night and see what we thought of different ones but I didn't like any of them.  I did a lot of driving back and forth to the Humane Society looking.  On a whim I checked out a dog that was at one of the local shelters.  She wasn't at all what I was looking for but for some reason I just had to meet her.  I took Jacob with me because if  dog doesn't like Jacob then it was a big NO.  This dog loved Jacob immediately.  She was well trained, thanks to the animal control officers who saw her potential and worked with her.  They let her roam the shelter and had her very well socialized.  I decided to give her a chance. I took her to several different vets offices trying to figure out what kind of mix she is.  Each one came up with "lab mix"  each vet had a different breed they thought she was mixed with.   It took some work getting her trained to find the door to go outside.  It was worth it.  She is my favorite dog ever and I love that she keeps an eye on my babies when they're playing and that she eagerly answers the door with me.  People ask about her name....Waffles. I honestly didn't think we'd end up trying her out for more than over night so when we thought about names I just threw out the name of something I had eaten that morning.  Thankfully, it fits her personality. 

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