Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Building Walls?

I have been doing some soul searching this week.  It is probably because I have the plague and have been convinced on more than one occasion that I was all but done for. (Kaitlyn says I'm a big baby and then in great detail gave me the symptoms of the plague and why I don't have it).  I have been thinking about social media AKA Facebook, and how it has made a difference in my life.  I love that I have been able to connect with old friends and find out what new friends are doing at the touch of a button.  I have thought that in some way this was my way really being connected to people.  I have realized, however, that the communication is not genuine, not real and not all that I think it is.  I am pretty open and share with people what is on my mind, in fact, maybe a little too much BUT that isn't always a good thing :)  I was telling one of my friends the other day that I felt she was building up walls to see who was willing to tear them down....I think that is where I am.  I am not done with is an invaluable tool, but I think I am going to be a bit more selective with who I am communicating and how.  I want genuine real relationships.