Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Building Walls?

I have been doing some soul searching this week.  It is probably because I have the plague and have been convinced on more than one occasion that I was all but done for. (Kaitlyn says I'm a big baby and then in great detail gave me the symptoms of the plague and why I don't have it).  I have been thinking about social media AKA Facebook, and how it has made a difference in my life.  I love that I have been able to connect with old friends and find out what new friends are doing at the touch of a button.  I have thought that in some way this was my way really being connected to people.  I have realized, however, that the communication is not genuine, not real and not all that I think it is.  I am pretty open and share with people what is on my mind, in fact, maybe a little too much BUT that isn't always a good thing :)  I was telling one of my friends the other day that I felt she was building up walls to see who was willing to tear them down....I think that is where I am.  I am not done with is an invaluable tool, but I think I am going to be a bit more selective with who I am communicating and how.  I want genuine real relationships.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I'm trying to spend less time on facebook too. My social life in real time is actually much more active when I'm facebooking a lot- because my local friends know that's where they can find me to invite me places or invite themselves over here. Having said that- they DO all have my phone number and can actually call if I move away from the computer.

It's a fact that I facebook when I'm having a hard time. Facebook is such an easy way to pretend you have personal interaction while staying totally distant. There are days where people can really get through to me over the computer, but usually I'm there because real face to face interaction is too intense at that moment in time.