Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

At least the title reflects how I feel about the whole blogging experience. I have become too lazy to upload pictures and too tired to figure out something creative to write and so here I find myself days between posts and the sad thing it is going to stay that way for a while. I do however want to answer a question that I have had a lot of people asked me. The Santa that came to my house for Christmas was actually my daddy.

When I was young my mom made him that beautiful suit and each Christmas I had the opportunity to be his elf while we visited friends and sometimes people who just needed to be cheered up. My name was Killarny. My dad is very proud of his Irish heritage and he wanted me to reflect that. The standard line he'd use when he would introduce me to people was, "and this is Killarny, we call her that because when she's bad we "kill" "arny". Kind of a morbid joke for Santa but then, you'd have to know my father. He sang me very interesting songs growing up and when I find myself singing them once in a while and my children will laugh and say, "that explains a lot about you mom."

So, the truly best part about my Christmas was that my daddy took the time to come to my home and play Santa to my children and for a brief moment when I sat on his lap I could remember when my mom made that suit and how wonderful our Christmas' were.


ali cross said...

Wow. That is just so many layers of awesome, I hardly know where to start.

Awesome that your mom made him that suit and that he and you got to go out spreading Christmas cheer while you were little.

Awesome that you're part Irish (I am too) and that you grew up with that devilish scense of humor that is so rampant among the Irish.

Awesome that you still have your parents and that your dad comes to help make Christmas even more special for you and your children.

You are very blessed! Totally Awesome!

ba and the boys said...

i cant believe you didnt send him to my home.

Jennifer P. said...

this is the first time in weeks I've been able to get your blog to load for me! I'm so glad there was something to read or look at!

I LOVED your dad in that suit! I still remember you guys coming to my house with the mason jar of bath salts, and discovering me eating Ramen Noodles in front of the TV....with my hands :).

So fun to see him making the rounds again, and with giant Zach on his lap ;)